Monday, December 15, 2008

Why Do We Yawn?

ivy_yawn Pictures, Images and Photos

Researchers at a university in Australia have figured out that the hotter your head is, the more likely you are to yawn to bring in air and cool your brain. And why is yawning contagious? It's thought that it's some kind of evolved mechanism where your body does it as a precaution... weird, haha.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

If Justin Timberlake and I Had a Baby

she would look like this.. haha, go to and upload a pic or yourself and your favorite celebrity or your significant other and see what your baby would look like!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Voting and Politics Ish

Hey friends, I hope you're already registered to vote! and if you aren't I'm coming at you with razor blades and lemon juice..okay maybe I won't but you'll get a stern talking to, haha...ANYWAYS i recently watched this and loved it...

AND..this is for all you college kids.. if you are registered (yay ::high five::) but living away from home and don't plan on driving up to your hometown to vote.. you NEED NEED NEED to submit an application for an absentee ballot..the deadline is October 28 and don't wait til the last minute to mail it off.. because the registration people can be slow and take days to process it.. is a helpful link

Absentee Ballot Application (Due October 28)

if I remember correctly you should be sent an absentee ballot in the mail after this.. so seriously friends..send in your application as soon as you can..all it'll cost you is a stamp and if you are that freaking cheap i can give you a stamp, lol, i don't care just freaking make sure your vote is counted this year!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Surprise, Surprise

Clay Aiken recently admitted that he was gay. I am so shocked and completely did not see this coming... what's next, Lindsey Lohan dating a girl?

ps- I know this isn't Clay Aiken, but I hate his face (yeah, I said it) so I decided to post the lovely Richard Simmons instead.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I Wish I Wrote This

Instead of working, or studying... I was browsing the internet and found this...

The Eight People Who Will Ruin Your Party

..and I found it funny... maybe it was my extreme boredom or amazing ability to be easily amused, but I giggled... so here it is friends, with my own commentary and whatnot, as usual :)
The Eight People Who Will Ruin Your Party
8. Person Who Insists on Cleaning Up Your Party While It's Still Going On
Where You Can Find Them: All up in your ish, asking you if you're done with the drink you're still holding, or carrying a white trash bag stalking your apartment for trash.
Why They Ruin Your Party: It's nice that they're so eager to help you clean up, but its pretty much assumed and understood that if you're going to throw a party at your place, it's going to end up looking like Amy Winehouse's bedroom... and odds are, your friend's will get easily annoyed with the clean freak.

7. Guy Who Gets Wasted In The First Hour
Where You Can Find Them: Wherever the booze is located.
Why They Ruin Your Party: This guy shows up early, and waaaay too excited to get wasted. He then proceeds to shotgun, chug, and bodyshot everything and anything he can get his hands on... In 45 minutes. So instead of being able to kick back and chill with your friends, or talk to that hottie you have your eye on, you have to make sure your passed out friend doesn't get bodily fluids on himself.. let alone your stuff. eww.

6. Person Who Only Knows You

Where You Can Find Them: Right freaking next to you the entire time.

Why They Ruin Your Party: You invited them because you thought they were cool and would bring hot friends. But now that they showed up solo, and clinging to you awkwardly, you wish you hadn't... forcing you to a) drag them around with you the entire time, making them a part of all your conversations, or b) leaving them alone in the corner as they stare at you awkwardly... and having friend after friend tell you "watch your back.. there's a creeper over there staring you down..."

5. Girl (Or Guy) Who Starts Crying

Where You Can Find Them: Hogging the bathroom, or in someone's bedroom.
Why They Ruin Your Party: For some odd reason, they decided to show up at your party, KNOWING they just broke up with someone... and now that they've got crunk juice in them, decided to make you their personal oprah. And no matter what you say, or how many hugs they give, they still cry... and refuse to get their sobbing butt out of the bathroom everyone so desperately needs.

4. The Dude Who Just Got Dumped

Where You Can Find Them: Trapping some unsuspecting person in a corner, talking way too much.

Why They Ruin Your Party: Don't be confused friends... this person is actually different than the crier above. Rather than leaning on the shoulders of friends, this guy is known to approach a complete stranger and immediately start talking about his failed relationship. And as much as you want to get away from this guy you can't... because you made the mistake of listening to him for 2 minutes, he now considers you his temporary BFF.

3. The Creepy Dude Who Tries To Get With All Your Friends

Where You Can Find Them: Next to anything with a vajayjay.

Why They Ruin Your Party: For one, he's just plain creepy, and refuses to get the hint that none of your friends want him. Also, if he actually goes home with one of your friends, your party will not be known as "That Awesome Halloween Party" but instead, "That Party Where Becky Became The Inspiration for a Lifetime Movie".

2. Couple Who Brings Their Baby

Where You Can Find Them: Everywhere, annoying everyone with the screaming, pooping mess, that is their child.

Why They Ruin Your Party: You obviously named you party KEGFEST '08 for a reason... and there's a BABY AT THE PARTY.... need i say more?

1. The Politics Guy
Where You Can Find Them: Wandering from group to group, annoying the hell out of everyone.

Why They Ruin Your Party: For some reason they deem it appropriate to discuss the credentials of Sarah Palin with you, when all you care about is finding more booze, and getting your groove on with that hottie you saw earlier.

Well, That's Awkward

Haha, a Phoenix teacher is currently under investigation after accidentally showing a high school class hardcore porn. Apparently he plugged his computer into a projector to give the children a demo on photography, and after the students began working on their own computers he proceeded to watch s&m porn, completely forgetting the computer was still plugged into the projector... and ohhh it get's worse, haha

The kids tried to tell the teacher that the computer was plugged in, but he was so into his nudie flick, he didn't even realize they were trying to get his attention. After watching 6 clips of hardcore porn, he finally realized when the class was dismissed that it had been on the projector the entire time.

It's safe to say this teacher can expect to be fired.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

If Anyone Cares

Usher and his tranny wife are having another spawn. yawn.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Odd, Random, Picture of the Day

what in the hell is going on at this family's party???

Thursday, September 4, 2008

If You Weren't Feeling Cracked Out Enough

here are some optical illusions, haha

Harry Potter, You Naaaaastyyyy

Daniel Radcliffe has recently revealed in an interview that he lost his V Card when he was 16... with a 23 year old hairdresser... that is so foul... and illegal. ::shiver::

Did You Know?

apparently those into bondage (yes, that weird bedroom behavior that involves a large amount of leather and spanking) are more prone to be happier, and have less anxiety than others according to a study in Australia...

yeah.. i'll just have to take their word for it.

If You Watched the Olympics...

..then this will be funny to you...haha

the same place i keep the champagne..

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My Life is Officially Complete

friends, I present to you, a picture that perfectly describes a hot tranny mess:

..and that is all. :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Daaaaaang Eva!


eva, i know you're married, so technically you don't have to dress to impress anyone, HOWEVER.. you are still famous, and there is no excuse for you to be looking like the crazy cat lady who lives down the street and has no qualms about her appearance.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Pure Deliciousness

well we all know i hate sports, but this man gives me a whole new reason to start watching....

his name is will demps and he plays for texas....

::sigh:: some people are just plain blessed.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Don't Stop, Get It Get It

friends... this picture speaks for itself.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Feeling Scandalous?

Eatin' Watermelon

It might be due to all that watermelon you've eaten. Apparently watermelon contains citrulline, which relaxes blood vessels, similar to what Viagra does to help your *ahem*....

This Shouldn't Be Funny

so an idiot who happens to be a police officer decided to steal marijuana from a suspect and make some special brownies.... too bad all hell broke lose and he decided to call 911...

LOL you know its bad when the news reporter themselves laugh... hahaha please notice that someone actually snorted, hahahaha

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Don't Ask Where I Got This

i think i've just come across the BEST PICTURE I'VE EVER SEEN

haha, so upon inititally seeing this, i thought it was just a normal picture of a group of homies, but no, peep the white guy on the right... that's AL GORE, haha i repeat, that's AL GORE... i have no idea where and when this picture was taken, but all i have to say is that it made my day.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

You're Welcome

apparently america is missing out... instead of watching football and basketball, we REALLY need to be watching European Soccer... peep the men below and you will def see why....

I present to you friends....

The Sexy Studs of Soccer

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo


Fredric Ljungberg

Lukas Podolski

lukas podolski

Henrik Larsson

and just because i feel like it, here's another picture of the extreme hotness that is cristiano ronaldo...

::sigh:: one of the 8290342943 reasons i want to live in europe, haha

Foods For Different Moods

i promise that rhyme wasn't intentional... but here are some different foods to help you get out of a funk, and don't fret, most of these aren't ridiculously fatty comfort foods, so feel free to get your snack on!

When You're Low on Energy
protein rich foods like beans, lean poultry, red meat and cheese are good energy boosters, so try replacing your lunch with a turkey chilli!

In a Bad Mood?
instead of filling your belly with ice cream and brownies, try eating sunflower seeds, brazil nuts, and whole grain cereals... these foods contain selenium which helps prevent anxiety and and irritability.

When You're Feeling Nervous
foods rich in dopamine help calm down nervousness, so chow down on bananas, drink utter juice, and work it out with leafy greens...

Getting Rid of Depression
stay away from sappy movies and bon bons... instead, try eating fatty fish... don't worry friends, the fat in fish is actually good for you, so eat as much salmon, herring, tuna, and sardines as your little heart desires

When It's Time to Calm Down
cold ,carb-rich foods like whole grain cereals can help you relax and fall asleep at night

i hope this helps! :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Good or Bad News?


Will Ferrell has recently admitted that they plan on making an Anchorman 2...

i'm excited, because i love that movie...but at the same time, we all know that sequels typically aren't as funny as the first film...

oh well, despite my lack in faith, i'll still probably wind up paying 8 dollars to see it....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

People Might Hate Me For This One

haha, so i stumbled upon an interesting collection of old celebrity photos.... sorry kids, but the crushes you have on any celebrities just might end when you see these...



Zach Efron- even back then he was looking just a little too pretty


Jamie Foxx- Jamie, you really are lucky that you grew into your looks


Rachel Ray- she was actually cute back then


Vince Vaughn- it's good to know he wasn't born with that receding hairline


Eva Longoria- i swear only she could look that good for someone with 80's hair..i hate her for being so fabulous


Tom Cruise- even back then, he still managed to be 10 kinds of crazy


Brad Pitt- he was kind of cute for someone in their "awkward years"


Madonna- ooo girl... thank goodness for hollywood makeovers


Robert Downey Jr- he had a little bit of the creeper look, but he was still kinda cute


Ashton Kutcher- I'm so glad he grew into his looks

Friday, May 30, 2008

This Shouldn't Be Funny

too wong foo
so while reading the news, i came across an interesting article... apparently an international soccer star named Ronaldo (don't worry, i haven't heard of him either) was busted with a prostitute... but not just any hooker... a tranny hooker..
and if that wasn't enough, the website i was reading proceeded to give their 10 top ten ways to spot a tranny... let the hilarity ensue...

10. Ask to See the Hands

The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but the hands provide a window, albeit obscured, to gender. In addition to looking for larger, generally more gnarled digits, be aware that most men have shorter index fingers than ring fingers. Playful punches that result in bruises, like those from the transvestite pictured to the left, can also be a sign of hands that are less than feminine.

9. Inspect the Brow
One the left is a photo of the transvestite who made the accusations against Ronaldo. If the soccer star is guilty of anything, it's ignoring her prominent brow and straight eyebrows. In general, women have a less-pronounced brow and more curvature to their eyebrows. Ronaldo must've missed that memo.

8. Be Suspicious of Narrow Hips
Women have a distinctive pelvis shape, because they're equipped for birthing children. This feature of the female figure is difficult for males to mimic, as illustrated in this photo of the Arquette sisters. (Alexis, in the middle, used to be named Alex.) Even with Rosanna wearing a suit, it's fairly obvious which of these three won't be squeezing out any little ones.

7. Don't Be Fooled By Breasts
Though hips are difficult to fake, breasts are not, as anyone who lives in the Los Angeles area can tell you. Avoid being drawn in by their allure. Fun bags may be aptly named, but the merriment they evoke will be quickly extinguished once it's discovered that they are connected to a person with testicles.

6. Distrust Lengthy Arms
This is pretty straightforward. Men on average have longer arms than women. If a girl with arms like Patrick Ewing approaches you, don't buy her a drink. Run, and hope she doesn't immediately realize you're fleeing, because she may attempt to use her sizable wingspan to reach out and corral you like a mother osprey.
5. Notice Flexibility

It's been documented that female hormones promote joint flexibility, while testosterone reduces it. It may be too much to ask someone you've just met to attempt a split. Instead, get them on the dance floor to provide some insight. However, if you see a woman dancing on a moving bus, like the one pictured above, don't be fooled by her flexibility. She's got junk.

4. Calculate the Torso-to-Leg-Length Ratio

Generally, women have short torsos and long legs, and men have long torsos and short legs. High-heeled footwear and short skirts are often used by transvestites to help create an illusion of femininity. Above, a pink leotard and leggings are employed for the same effect. No doubt, it's also meant to attract heterosexual males who enjoy the movie "Fame."

3. Check the Facial Features

Not every man posing as a woman will be as obvious (or as nightmarish) as the one pictured to the left. Besides paying attention to the brow, remember that men often have a longer distance from their nose to their upper lip than women do. Also, men tend to have a ridge across the center of the forehead. Cosmetic surgery can alter facial features drastically, so be wary of those with swollen, non-emotive, or Michael Jackson-esque mugs.

2. Look for the Adam's Apple

The Adam's apple is the straight guy's best friend when it comes to identifying a chick with man meat. When you see that bump mid-neck, you can be certain you're part of a gender-bending situation that's even less funny than a scene from "Juwanna Mann."

1. Listen to the Voice
Take a long look at the women above. The blond is being crowned Miss International Queen 2004. Believe it or not, that's a beauty pageant in which all contestants are transvestites or transgendered males. When they look like that, all you've got to go on is the pitch of the voice. It's your last line of defense, and may God help you if they sound like Barry White.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's Over!

usher and tameka

no, i'm not talking about Usher's career (Love in this club.. really Usher?) i'm talking about Usher's marriage! He finally decided to leave that man he married less than a year ago and the couple has filed for a separation...

congrats Usher, now all you need to do is come out with a better single, preferably one that isn't about sketchy behavior in a public setting, and your career will be on the right track :)